Flying to Adelaide

I’m so excited, today, to be taking all five of my kids on their very first plane flight.  I think they may be a little more excited, though.  Busting out of their skin nearly!

We are off to Adelaide for a week whilst John is at an Audiology conference.  We have sights to see and family to visit, while John sits in a room listening to people talk.

Amelia has been amazingly pro-active and organised a bunch of brochures to be mailed to us, so we could sit down and work out where we wanted to visit.  She also wrote a letter to Maggie Beer, but couldn’t find the best address to send it to in order to get a response.

As I always do for long trips (usually by road), I have put together holiday packs.  This time I sewed reversible draw-string bags and filled them with workbooks, pencils, an art diary, chips and lots of lollies.

We are set to go!
x S.

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