An Introduction || Brisbane Studio Photographer

The Camp Hill studio is looking fantastic and I’m now officially OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!  Yay!!  Bookings are by appointment only at this stage, as I need to work around my family.  My best contact is {EMAIL} or by leaving a message on the studio phone – 07 3395 2168, but if you just need to talk to someone, my contact number is 0409 953 744.

Here are a couple of updated photos:

My Grunge Wall ~

My Sweet Wall ~

I have a Viewing Area set up.  It seats five people comfortably, on beautiful white leather lounges.  The screen remotely rolls down in front of the bookcase.  I’m pretty happy with it!  ~

I have had four more shoots in the studio, to share with you.  Stay tuned over the coming week.  There is some VERY exciting news, too!!
xx S.

Let's Chat!

Visit us in person:

**New Studio**
Coming Soon!

Email Us:

Or Post a Letter to:

PO Box 3409
Norman Park  Q  4170
