Ants, Ants, Ants & Survivor

We MUST be in for some decent rain some time soon in Brisbane. We’ve always been water conscious, but it is now getting ridiculous. The reason I am convinced of coming rain is the ANTS! We don’t often get ants in our house, but they are now making a decent track up from the garage, down the hall and going somewhere into Amelia’s room. They are trying to hide from rain.

So let’s hope the rains are steady and wetting, but not flooding. When it is heavy and fast, we get flooded into our little cul-de-sac.

On scrapping news, Alicia and I have survived another week in the Scrap Survivor game. There are now two teams of seven left. It is getting harder and more nerve-racking every time it comes to eliminations.

I am finally feeling a lot better and getting back on board with a lot of things. Thanks for everyone’s messages, comments, emails, etc. I really appreciate the care and love.

xx S.

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