Time is moving so fast. I can’t believe James is nearly four months old and his Baptism was now weeks ago! This is the invitation I created for him. It was printed on DL sized card with a small magnet attached to the back – perfect for the fridge!
I have so many other exciting things going on that I don’t know where to begin to update! I’ve been writing lots of Phototech articles for Scrapbooking Memories magazine – I still giggle when I read they call me their photography Guru!! SM are a fantastic bunch to work for!! I’ve photographed the articles already printed and will probably bore you all with a post of the photos.
I’m still studying three nights a week and am doing quite well, which is to say I’m passing. My lovely friend Angela is now doing the same course, so I get to bump into her every now and then.
Miss Alicia‘s baby is due in about eight weeks, so I’m eagerly awaiting her arrival. I’m so excited!! I’m also thrilled for her being selected on the new Kaiser Craft design team. Check out her blog for her gorgeous projects.
I’m also uber excited to hear my friend (who I should keep up with more often, but I’m slack), MarniT, is expecting her first bub in October. Congratulations Marni!!
Things in my family are fine. Little James is sick at the moment – the first time I’ve had a baby with yucky tummy problems (very messy both ends, if you get what I mean). I hope he has a better day tomorrow. Chris has a little cough, too. Miss Amelia is in the middle of the National Assessment Program exams for Year 3 and is a little nervous. We are trying to fill her with confidence by telling her to just do her best. Two more days to go.
I’ve been learning more about Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash, so am working on a new website for Point Shoot Play. Mel has updated the blog and it looks fantastic. I’m also about to work on John‘s new website, as his old one is VERY lacking.
MOST excitingly… it is getting closer to the Scrapbook & Papercraft Convention & Expo, where Melissa Mielekamp, Andrea Thompson, Fiona Carson and I are all working for Point Shoot Play. We are very busy putting the final touches to the classes and can’t wait to see you all there!!
Phew…. you made it through this post! I still have more to update, but it’s my bed time, so it will have to wait for another day. Let me leave you with this image I recently scanned in off some old negatives. This is Christopher (now seven) when he was four months old – nearly the same age James is now. I just LOVE this photo!
xx S.
Mel - Hope the kiddies are better Miss Sara.. Hugs to you..