New Baby? No time for yourself?

Looking after yourself as a parent is so important.  You need to find time to have a break and rest.  This means getting support and not feeling guilty about asking others for help.  Asking for help or support is sensible and a sign of strength, not failure.  So don’t ever think you are failing yourself or your children if you ask for help!  Make a list of all the people and services you can call on for support.  Even small things like getting a meal cooked every now and then helps.

Some ideas of help may be:

  • Asking your mum or mother-in-law for advice or even a bit of help.
  • Asking help with meals – this really helps as its the last thing you feel like doing.
  • Joining social media groups is a great way to ask questions to people who are going through the exact same thing.
  • Child care is another option –
    • Find a friend or relative who can mind your baby regularly so you can have a break.
    • Find out about occasional care in your area.  You will be able to leave your baby there for a short time when you need a break.
    • Your local council will know about childcare in your area.  Book your baby in early if you are returning to work or want a regular break.

Another thing we forget to do when a newborn enters our lives is to take time out for yourself and friends and family!  Your new baby comes into your life and it is so easy to forget about you and others around us.  Friends and family get pushed aside as can the person you love.  It is really important to make sure your new child doesn’t take over social life.  I know you don’t want to put him/her down or miss out on any special milestones but you will need to find balance.  It is also very easy to forget about your partner and lose that love you used to have.  Bringing a newborn into the world should bring you closer not push you apart.

Make sure you:

  • Spend time talking about how you both feel about the changes in your lives.
  • Share the care of your baby.  This will help you both have better bonds with the baby and each other.
  • Make special time to spend together to support each other.  You will have less time and it may be hard to get used to this.

You have bought this special new baby into this world! Make sure you enjoy every moment of it and don’t miss a thing! But also make sure you look after number one – YOU – because if you get sick or can’t handle it you will be no good to your newborn baby.


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