Sara’s Story
When looking for information to share on the blog, I realised I’ve been through so much of it already – hence ‘Sara’s Story’. To keep it real, I’m going to tap into my many years of experiences around marriage, raising five amazing children, divorce and building a life for my family. Sassi Photography has been a part of my life since 2004, firstly as a small at-home business, then a small boutique studio at Camp Hill, then back home again and now as a full professional photography studio at East Brisbane. These posts, however, are about my family and I.
Let me introduce you…
My family, as drawn by my youngest, Daniel, when he was six. The tall kid on the left is Christopher. He’s my 6’4″ fourteen year old who loves playing football and basketball, is a whiz on the computer and is great at doing his household jobs when he is asked. Next is Amelia, who is my eldest at fifteen. In three months she will be able to get her driver’s learners. She’s keenly fit and loves all things exercise and independence.
The kid with the spiky hair is a self-portrait of Daniel. Daniel’s now seven and loves anything on a screen, playing make-believe and coco-pops. The pretty lady with the gorgeous lashes is me – the Mum of these awesome, leanly-drawn kidlets. My twelve year old Nicholas is next. He’s my arty boy who loves drawing, creating, computer programming and, sometimes, cricket. The smile-less boy next to him is James, eight. James shares a room with Daniel and I guess Daniel was over James the day he drew this. James is a keen reader and likes to play sport, Pokemon and help out at home, especially with the dishwasher.
So, this is us. These are my gorgeous children. You’ll get to know them more as I blog more about having babies, life and love.
x Sara
Professional Photography » Sassi Photography | Sara McKenna | Brisbane Photographer - […] now you’ve seen the stunning drawing of my family by my (then) six-year-old Daniel. At the time that was the only current picture I was in with my […]