For a photographer, I’ve been pretty slack in taking photos of James. I had a shoot planned with him today, but the rain has stopped me from doing what I had planned. I’m hoping that some of the girls who took photos of him at Rachel‘s workshop have a couple of cute ones to send me – I only took six photos while I was there!
Here are a couple of photos I took last week, when James was eleven days old.
This third photo will be printed at 50x50cm for my photo wall (when we finally get it built). Thanks for dropping by. I hope to have more to share soon.
xx S.
Brenda - OMG Sara… this is the most gorgeous photo I have ever seen….. Look at his little toes poking through…. this will look AWESOME on any wall 🙂
Scrapmanda - Oh Sara – you mightn’t take many pics of your new man but the ones you do take are BREATH-TaKING!