I have so many photos from last year that I haven’t even looked at, let alone edited. With the new baby, renovations and studying, my time is completely eaten up. I get to take lots of photos but then squirrel them away for a rainy day. Well, today it’s raining. The kids are hanging out together (no fights so far!) and I’m procrastinating by sitting on the computer.
A while ago, I mentioned a great site called Pink Ink Studios. They have heaps of wonderful resources for photographers PLUS a great photography based forum. I bought a ‘Vintage Frames’ Template a few weeks ago and have been keen to use it on the blog (it’s designed especially for blogging). So I’ve thrown together a handful of my ‘squirrelled’ photos of Nick into the template and, voila!…
I love it!! So much fun. Nick is the puller of faces as soon as the camera comes out. He’s good value. Mia and Chris are quick with the ‘camera smile’, but Nick has a bit of fun.
Anyway, have a great weekend and enjoy this cozy, wet weather – I had to cancel a photoshoot with my kids today, but hopefully the sun shines tomorrow for us! I still haven’t photographed all four of my children together since the first day James was born.
xx S.
KatherineB - I just LOVE this photos – so happy!!!