Matt & Steph ~ The Details || Queensland Wedding Photographer

Details!!  I love the details couples put into weddings to make them so personal, special and beautiful.  I love hearing my clients talking about their wedding plans and I love seeing it all come together.

Matt and Steph’s wedding has been no exception!

All of my planning with Matt and Steph was via emails and the internet, as they were in the UK until just before the wedding.  As the details unfolded, I became more excited about meeting them and photographing their day.

Firstly, all the wedding invitations were screen-printed onto tea towels with a cartoon image of Matt and Steph as the logo that ran through the entire wedding.


Matt, ready and waiting for his bride.  Meanwhile, back at the other homestead….



Matt and Steph Tea Towel Thanks

Matt’s family has a love of all things Holden (which I LOVE – I’m not sure I could have shot an Ford-themed wedding…  it’d be like using a Nikon).  The bridal car was Matt’s Dad’s late-1940’s/early-1950’s FX Holden (Holden 48-214).  The stage for the reception speeches was “The General”, a more appropriate name than the “Old Bomb” (which it also goes by) – a 1966 HR Holden Ute.  Incidentally, I believe the reception marquee was erected around The General due to his current condition.

Remember how I said that the invitations were on tea towels?  All the invited guests bought a local tea towel showing where they come from and sent them to Matt and Steph to keep.  Cute, huh?

(Not my photo – Matt sent this one to me.  It’s cool!)

x S

Thank you to Dan McColl Photographer for shooting Matt & Steph’s wedding with me and helping me out in general!

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