Model Student || Brisbane Seniors Photography

Sassi Photography is ecstatic to announce the official launch of MODEL STUDENT!

Model Student is the brand name / business for the High School Seniors work I have been doing with Mel Mielekamp of Meloo Photography.  We have been building our portfolio for a while and today is the day to celebrate it all coming together!

Sassi Photography runs Model Student Southside.

Meloo Photography runs Model Student Northside.

Together we post our images on the Model Student Blog.

Aimed at High School Seniors and those wishing to celebrate the milestone of finishing high school, Model Student captures you as you are.  Keep an eye on the Model Student blog for some fabulous senior sessions from the past few weeks!

xx S.

Let's Chat!

Visit us in person:

**New Studio**
Coming Soon!

Email Us:

Or Post a Letter to:

PO Box 3409
Norman Park  Q  4170
