I am sorry I have been AWOL from my blog… in actual fact, I’ve been keeping away from the computer in general lately. Things are busy with the kids all home from school and we have been having a ball spending quality time together before our new little family member joins us.
I still have photos to get out from the Trash the Dress session – Mel, can you forgive me? I have all your photos sorted, I just haven’t had the chance to edit them and make you shine! 🙂
Bub is growing well – he/she is currently at a 41 week size and I’m around 37 or 38 weeks pregnant. Um, yeah, we’re keeping an eye on that, with my previous history of enormous babies!! All is well, though.
Just to add a photographical flare to the post, I still have Hasselblad photos from Sydney (in October) that I haven’t worked on. Here are a few that I edited a while back, just to give you something different to look at!!
I love the old feeling about this photo. It looks like it could have been taken forty years ago…
The following photo is my all-time favourite taken this trip….
Take care and I hope to keep you posted!!
xx S.
Giovanna - WOW Sara, I love this old effect. Just fantastic!! Take care of you and bub and family.
Mel - Love the photos Sara…