School Fete – My Cricketing Legend

Another school fete has come and gone and, as usual, it was action packed and the kids had a ball.  I took stacks of photos but won’t share them online, as there are other children in the photos as well as my own.  I will share a few of my favourite photos from a fun event, though.

I haven’t shared this before, but Christopher is very lucky to be friends with the daughter of the lovely Matthew & Kellie Hayden.  I’m secretly stoked, as Matt is one of my all-time favourite cricket players…  and a super nice guy, too.  His little family are all lovely. 

To help raise funds for the school, Matt hosted a “Bowl Matt Hayden Out” competition during the fete.  For two hours, he defended his stumps against kids and adults, being bowled out a handful of times.

At this point, I need to add that my own husband, John, was a bit of a cricketing legend of his time at school (and a little after).  He can handle a ball and a bat quite finely, thank you….

…so John has his three bowls at Matty and is thwarted (*snigger, snigger).  Christopher (just turned 7 a couple of weeks ago and has only played a little cricket in the backyard) steps up to the wicket and bowls Matt Hayden out!!  (The ball was caught from Chris’ bowling.)

The best bit??  Christopher is stoked, but not at getting Matt caught out….  Christopher is skyting that he is a better cricket player than his Dad!!!  Hahahahaa!!!  John and I are still laughing at this – well, mostly me!!

Chris wanted to play with his beautiful, autographed bat this afternoon.  I didn’t think so!!  Back into plastic with this bat, methinks!!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend too!
xx S.

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