Friday – Yay!

Not much going on here, other than I am really sick. I’m on three sets of antibiotics and have felt better.

Tottled off to the Craft Fair in Brisbane yesterday. It was nice to see so many friendly faces and lovely people. I didn’t buy much, but am happy with the items I bought. All three of my children came with me and were very good. We went to the Museum after, then to Southbank for a ‘Slurpy’. I had to fill in time while my car was being serviced.

Because I LOVE Rhonna Farrer’s Superstar collection SO much, I had to scrap the scraps from my other layout. I love this photo of Nick and Chris, taken the day after Nick had a nasty accident and cut his face. It was because of Christopher and they were rough-housing, hence the title.

The colours seem really dull here… the layout is fairly bright IRL. (Scroll down to see the other layout, using these papers, in an older post.)

The other news I have is (to cheer myself up) I have finally got my nose pierced. I’ve wanted to since the very early Nineties and am really happy with it. Here is a dodgy photo…. because I’ve noticed all the piercing photos on the net are dodgy – lol!!

I hope to be back on board properly very soon. Until then, take care and have a great weekend.
xx S.

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